Thursday, September 20, 2012

I love you China but please stop picking your nose in public.

One of the questions I am asked most frequently by locals and foreigners alike is "how do you like China?".  Coming back to Shenzhen from Vancouver, chatting with some Walmart visitors from the US and meeting some ex-pats here has reinforced in my mind that I actually like China.  It's not Canada, Arkansas, Ireland, England, Poland or any of a number of countries that have captured my soul in the past.  But I do like it...and it is carving out its place in my soul too.

It amazes me how people who have lived here for years hate China so much.  Or if they actually do like it you wouldn't know for all the complaining they do.  They hate the food, the people, the way things are done and the fact that no one understands what they are saying.  Here is my view on it

  • It is unreasonable to come to a foreign country (any country) and be disappointed or let down because they don't have enough normal food for you.  This is China people.  The "normal" food here is Chinese.
  • So you think the Western Food is not as good as back home.  There are exceptions to this of course but in general one of the biggest complaints I hear is that "XX food is not as good as back home" or McDonald's doesn't taste the same.  Newsflash folks.  Chinese food in North America (outside of China Towns in large metro cities) does not taste the same as back home in China.  I have been blown away by the flavour and variety of food here...and nary a Chicken Ball in sight
  • It is unreasonable to expect people to understand you when speak English (especially when you speak really fast).  I know it is frustrating to not be able to communicate and it definitely makes things harder but people in China speak Chinese.  It is their native language.  And according to the HSBC posters in the Vancouver airport there are more people learning English in China than live in the entire country of England.  Learn some Chinese people (oh my, I am becoming a Chinese red-neck).  
The best part of my experience here so far are the people.  I have met funny, warm, ambitious, smart engaged people here.  Yep, they don't do things in the same way I do (which can be quite funny or frustrating sometimes) but I have learned a couple of lessons - there is more than one way to do things and we don't have to always do it my way.  

I think as long as I keep remembering I am a visitor here and I have as much (if not more) to learn from the Chinese as they do from me I should be fine and avoid the black hole of bitterness amongst some I have met.  That being said I do have some requests please:
  • STOP PICKING YOUR NOSE IN PUBLIC - and this includes in my Taxi (you know who you are Taxi Driver from Sunday night), on the bus, metro, in a meeting, in the office, in a store...IT IS GROSSING ME OUT!
  • Also please don't pick other parts of your body in front of me including toes, scabs, ears, zits...
  • Do not horn up a big loogie and spit it on the ground in front of me (or worse, on my toes).
  • You don't all have to fit into one elevator.  There will be others.  There always are.  The same goes for Metro Cars.
Most importantly, keep reminding me that there is joy in our differences - and frequently humour.  As long as we remember this we will be fine.

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