Sunday, July 8, 2012

Going with the flow - understanding traffic in China

One of the first differences a newcomer to China notices is the traffic.  And not just the amount of traffic (it rivals those big traffic cities like L.A and Washington)...but the apparent chaos.  At first glance there are no rules of the road.  Cars, bikes, scooters and buses go wherever they want, whenever they want.  Horns honk, cars slide into your lane, lane sharing is common and turn signals are not used.  It is quite overwhelming, especially after spending 20 hours travelling to Shenzhen.

So Traffic is hell...thankfully I have a driver...but I have to admit that on closer inspection there appears to be a method to the madness.  A friend of mine describes the traffic like the water in a river.  The traffic flows where it needs to, going around obstacles in a fluid, not constricted method.  And like water in a river, traffic in Shenzhen will find a way to get to the destination.  You just need to remember that everyone else if floating down that river too and they can be carried on a separate current.  Don't be constrained by things like lane markings - if you can fit 4 cars across a "3 lane" road surely that is more efficient...isn't it? And remember the only rule really adhered to is the red light (although there are no stop signs on the side streets).

Ah, and the horns.  After observing my driver Fred for a couple of days I am starting to understand the anatomy of a honk...they are used in different ways in different situations:

  1. The quick friendly honk - "Hey, I am here in your blind spot.  I notice you drifting over, just want to let you know I am here"
  2. The longer not as friendly honk - "Um, Hey watch out - if you keep drifting into my lane you are going to hit me"
  3. The angry multiple honk - "Idiot, the light has changed and you didn't start moving immediately - there are a million of us behind you and we can't move until you do"
  4. The panic frantic honk - "Bloody Hell, we are all going to die"
Sometime soon I will explain the bikes & electric scooters that are everywhere...definitely a lesson on gravity defiance and thinking outside the North American Traffic Paradigm.

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