Friday, July 20, 2012

I always feel like somebody's watching me...

There are surveillance cameras everywhere in Shenzhen.  In general this doesn't bother me - most big cities have cameras everywhere these days.  The debate in London over their cameras is fierce and, if you watch an episode of NCIS you have an understanding of how all these different cameras can be used to capture our activities.  But sometimes it is good to remind yourself that you are probably being watched to avoid embarassment.

Today I had to visit the property management office to replace/fix my building access card - it didn't work and I was only able to get into my building if I tailgated.  Not a problem through the ground level front door, more tricky when my driver drops me off in the parking garage.

Anyway, I walked over to the property management building on the other side of the compound (community, apartment complex?), up the two flights of stairs to ask for help.  Of course the duty manager did not speak English and my Mandarin skills are limited so he phoned a friend (my current favourite survival technique in China by the way).

After much explaining and misunderstanding I was directed to the main gate.  And they directed me to the security office.  Now, I know there is security in this complex - there are guards at the gates and in the parking garage and you see the young men wandering around with their red armbands.  What I didn't think about was the secret room with 30 television screens watching all aspects of life at Costal Rose Garden 2.

While they fiddled around with my card (in true local fashion everyone came over to see what this Laowai had done) I enjoyed the frigid air conditioning and watched people t.v.  It was then I realized they have cameras in all the elevators.  If I was observant I would have realized this myself - it makes sense that the glass bubble in the corner of the elevator houses a camera.  To see the full display of all the elevators in all the buildings was overwhelming and I was mortified. You see, the elevators have mirrors in them and, without a full length mirror in my apartment I use the elevator mirrors to adjust my outfits every morning and every time I go out.  Sometimes this means readjusting things...which because I am alone didn't seem like a big deal.  Until I realized that someone is indeed watching me.

Today I am going to buy a full-length mirror for my apartment.


  1. Ha! Back to IKEA! Atleast you know if your ac goes out for an extended period of time again...just bend that card up and walk back over to security to take a break for a its always frigid in there!!

  2. Hahaha! I am now mindful not because of the camera's because our boy is watching everything I do instead! Try not to get creeped out & perhaps wave every now & then in the elevator?!
